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The information below provides general information regarding your consultation, surgery and stay in hospital. Please feel free to discuss any specific questions with Dr Sivarajah or our staff.  


Once you have a referral letter from your GP or other doctor, please telephone 

(03) 6231 2477 to make an appointment at our consulting rooms.

  • What will happen during my first appointment?
    An assessment will be made based on the consultation, review of relevant referral letters, and prior investigations. Additional blood tests, imaging or biopsies may be required and you may be asked to attend for a review appointment prior to deciding on whether you need surgery. If Dr Sivarajah has all the relevant medical information, and you require a procedure, you will be consented and booked at this first visit. She will discuss the surgery in further detail, including risks involved, and you will be offered a date for your surgery.
  • Can I bring someone (i.e. family member, friend) to my consultation?
    Unless otherwise directed by Tasmanian Government COVID restrictions, we welcome that you bring a support person with you to the consultation. We understand that information provided during your appointment, such as learning of a new diagnosis or discussing a surgical procedure, can be overwhelming. A Clinical Nurse Specialist may be present at your consultation - they are available as a contact who can also assist in navigating your care pathway in the healthcare system.
  • What should I bring to my first appointment?
    Referral letter from your GP or other doctor Medicare or Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) card, and insurance information Relevant imaging: x-ray, mammogram, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI Information related to your medical history: specialist letters, hospital admissions, operation reports, medications, allergies
  • Where can I get more information about my diagnosis and treatment?
  • How much are the fees associated with the surgery?
    Payment for review in the clinic for initial assessment is required at the time of your consultation. Post-operative reviews by Dr Sivarajah up to 6 weeks will be included in your surgical fee. If you decide to proceed with surgery, Dr Sivarajah's administration staff will provide you with an estimation of costs and request financial consent. If you have private health insurance (depending on your cover), most of the costs associated with surgery will be covered (including hospital bed, theatre fees, and cost of implants), however there may be out-of-pocket costs. To check your coverage please contact your health care fund. There may be other fees associated with other medical providers during your treatment including the anaesthetist, secondary surgeon, surgical assistant(s), radiologist, or other specialists who may be required to see you while you are admitted. Special circumstances Pensioners, Veterans (DVA), MAIB patients, Health care card holder: Dr Sivarajah does not charge a gap for these patients. WorkCover: if your claim has been approved, please bring your claim number; otherwise you will be required to pay for your consultation and arrange reimbursement through WorkCover
  • What type of anaesthetic will I have?
    There are different types of anaesthetics you may have for your surgery. Please click on each type to receive more information: General anaesthetic Local anaesthetic Spinal anaesthetic
  • What will I receive for pain relief after the surgery?
    Pain relief after surgery
  • Which hospital will my operation take place?
    Dr Gausihi Sivarajah is an accredited surgeon at Calvary Health Care. Currently, she performs breast surgery and minor procedures at Calvary St John's. Endocrine and major general surgical procedures are performed at Calvary Lenah Valley. She works with an accredited surgical assistant to assist with every surgery. To learn more, please visit the following websites: Calvary St John’s Hospital | Calvary ( Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital | Calvary (
  • When will I be admitted to the hospital?
    Most patients will be admitted to hospital on the day of surgery. You will be advised on what time to arrive at the hospital (morning or afternoon) and will be given advice on fasting instructions. Please try and arrive slightly earlier than your admission time to arrange any paperwork that is required prior to your surgery. In general, if you operation is in the morning, you will be asked not to eat or drink after midnight the day prior to you operation. If your operation is in the afternoon, you will be asked not to eat or drink after 7am on the same day of the operation. You are allowed to drink a small amount of water until 2 hours before your operation. If you are having a local anaesthetic, you will not be required to fast. You may also be booked for pre-operative procedures (i.e. imaging +/- intervention), which you should attend prior to presenting to the hospital for your admission. Please advise us if you are feeling unwell on the day of your hospital.
  • What should I bring with me to hospital?
    Please bring all your regular medications with you, and take them as normal, unless otherwise instructed If you use a mobility aid (e.g. walking stick, frame walker) please bring this with you If you are being admitted overnight, please bring your toiletries, comfortable clothes, sleepwear, and non-slip slippers Please bring the following paperwork (if applicable): Admission paperwork Medicare card Health care, pension, concession or DVA card Private health care fund details General Practitioner details Relevant imaging (e.g. x-rays, CT/MRI scans) Please do not bring any valuables with you.
  • Will I see the surgeon while I am in hospital?
    Yes. Dr Gausihi Sivarajah will see you prior to your operation. If you are admitted to the hospital, she will also see you on the ward prior to your discharge home.
  • What should I do after my surgery?
    It is important that you remain active after your surgery. This means that you should take regular deep breaths to keep your lungs clear, and you should get up and walk as soon as possible to prevent blood clots in your legs. If you are admitted for >24hrs, you will be given injections that thin the blood to further prevent blood clots. Depending on your surgery, Dr Sivarajah may ask a Clinical Nurse Specialist, Physiotherapist or Occupational therapist to see you during your admission. The wound dressing (bandage) placed on the incision site from your surgery can usually remain until you see Dr Sivarajah in her clinic (1-2 weeks). If it needs to be removed or changed this will usually be arranged while you are in hospital. These dressing are relatively waterproof – so that you may have a shower and then pat dry. It is recommended that you do not have baths or swim (pool or ocean), in order to prevent the dressing from being soaked. You will be informed if there are any further restrictions.
  • How many days will I be in hospital?
    Your hospital stay will be dependent on what procedure you have. This will be discussed at the consultation when you are consented and the procedure is booked. This however, may change when you are in hospital until Dr Sivarajah is satisfied that you are well enough to be discharged home.
  • What will happen when I’m ready to be discharged from the hospital?
    Dr Sivarajah will inform the ward regarding discharge instructions. You will be provided with a Discharge Summary and you will be given information about a follow-up appointment that you will have booked with Dr Sivarajah. If there are medications that you need to go home with (i.e. pain relief, antibiotics), you will be given a prescription or given a supply. Whether you have day surgery or have been admitted, you will need to arrange a family member or friend to pick you from the hospital (preferably by 10am). There should be someone at home with you overnight if you have had day surgery. If you are unable to arrange this, please inform us prior so that alternative options can be discussed. In addition, please inform us if you require any supportive services at home to assist with your care.
  • When will I get the results from my surgery?
    It takes approximately 1-2 weeks for the pathologist to make an assessment after surgery. This means it should be available by the time you return for your post-operative review appointment with Dr Sivarajah.
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